Reliable Two-Way Radio Solutions for Schools in North Carolina

Protect Your Students and Staff

The day-to-day operations of a school building are complex. Teachers and students are frequently moving from classrooms to cafeterias to libraries to the buses.

It’s hard for administrators and teachers to always communicate with workers on the cafeteria, janitorial and transportation teams. In order to keep students and staff safe, schools need to have the best communications tools possible.

If there is ever an emergency or a situation that needs to be handled quickly and privately there aren’t many ways to do this without causing a scene in front of students.

The number one issue listed in after-action reports related to school emergencies is lack of quick communications. Are you looking to improve your response time?

When you implement an effective two-way radio system, staff can keep in touch with their colleagues regardless of facility size.

These two-way radios aren’t your typical store-bought walkie talkies. GCS can fully equip your North Carolina campus with an effective two-way radio system complete with reliable equipment and excellent coverage.

Implementing Walkie Talkies into North Carolina Schools

Walkie talkies are essential not only for improving school safety but also for getting kids dismissed every day, selling sporting event tickets and keeping the school clean.

These are some of the key users of two-way radios across every school district:

  • Administrators
  • Custodial Staff
  • Car Dismissal Team
  • Security Team
  • Athletics
  • Teachers

Your staff members can keep operations running smoothly every day by distributing walkies talkies across the school and getting help from GCS to install and properly your system.

Schools and other educational facilities can use two-way radios to coordinate:

  • Campus Security
  • Fire Drills
  • Car Rides
  • Field Trips
  • Incident Response
  • Stranger on Campus Alerts

Portable Radio System Installation and Repairs

School communications need to be able to move with you. Your staff members aren’t always by the phone but that shouldn’t mean your operations or safety should be affected.

Consider a walkie talkie durable enough for gym class and portable enough for your hall monitors. By opting to use two-way radios you can get a system customized to your school’s needs.

GCS offers multiple two-way radio configurations for North Carolina schools such as:

  • Single Building
  • Entire Campus
  • School Bus Transportation Systems

There are four types of equipment and technologies used in education two-way radio systems:

  • Analog (typically older, legacy systems)
  • Digital (DMR or NXDN)
  • Conventional Repeaters for seamless, reliable coverage
  • Trunked Systems for advanced features such as “All-Call”

If your radios need fixing, you don’t have to lose valuable time during the school day trying to make repairs. GCS offers two-way radio upgrades, maintenance and improvements.

You can start with just a few radios and build up to a fully integrated security solution.

In addition to radios, your setup can include:

911 Connection

GCS works with your North Carolina school to seamlessly connect your walkie talkies to the nearest 911 center. This gives everyone in your school district access to instant, emergency communications. If your school is threatened or a medical issue occurs, you will be able to quickly alert 911 dispatchers, school resource officers and administrators using one device.


Alerting Systems

Severe storms don’t wait for schools to let out before they roll through. Sometimes you’ll need a way to quickly notify everyone on your campus about dangerous weather.

GCS can implement NOAA Weather Radio SAME weather alerts directly on the portable two-way radios used around your school. On average a tornado hits a location only 15 minutes after warnings have been sent out. You don’t want to risk missing urgent weather alerts by relying on unreliable cell towers or word of mouth. Your school needs a plan in case cell phone service goes out during a storm.

GCS can help protect your students and staff by providing the best tools to keep you prepared.

Emergency Call Boxes

Have you done everything you can to prepare for an emergency at your school?

An easy way to increase safety and peace of mind at any building is to implement an Emergency Call Box. This creates an option for anyone to place emergency calls without needing to have access to a radio or phone.

The call box places a call to the two-way radios included in your system. Once you’ve connected with the caller you can help them with whatever emergency prompted them to make contact.

The box places calls internally and not to 911. This means, if someone ever presses the button by accident, there is no harm done.

You can set one or more boxes up in easy-to-access places on your campus.


Public Address Systems

School buildings heavily rely on PA systems. Whether it’s for urgent messages, the morning announcements or locating someone in the building, you need to have easy access to your PA system.

Lockdowns can be difficult to coordinate. Link your two-way radios to your existing PA system – to cut down on time wasted with automated lockdown messages.

Keep your school modern, efficient and safe by cutting down on time spent getting to a phone and calling into your system.

Get an A+ in Communication and Safety

Schools are tasked with providing safe spaces for children day in and day out. Two-way radios can help make your daily school operations and safety measures easier and smoother than ever before.

Opening up a line of dependable communication for everyone in the building can bring you and your student’s parents much needed reassurance.

GCS is based in Martinsville, VA and services the Northern North Carolina region including Guilford County, Greensboro, Winston-Salem and Burlington. Our team will help get you the best two-way radios for your school. Call us today to start updating your school’s communications system.